What we do
METID is the “Innovation Teaching and Learning Task Force” of the Politecnico di Milano. We design and test tools and methods for learning innovation and faculty development.

Learning innovation
Development of Learning Innovation of the Politecnico di Milano: teacher training, consultancy activities in the design phase and implementation of innovative teaching methods, support during the activities creation, implementation and monitoring.

MOOC – Massive Open Online Courses
Design, creation and implementation of online courses, both from a methodological and a technological point of view.
Management of POK – Polimi Open Knowledge, the MOOC portal of the Politecnico di Milano.

National and international projects
Participation in national and international projects, with both public and private entities, providing contributions on teaching innovative methodologies, designing and implementing MOOCs and activating e-collaboration dynamics.
The new space for teaching and learning experimentation
The new experimental space to test methodologies based on the “active classroom” and to test a fluid and effective integration of both physical and digital contents and tools.
The innovation with innovation
The faculty development activity is part of the learning innovation project. For the teacher training METID provides: MOOCs, structured training in the form of workshops, international seminars and also informal meetings in Educafé for sharing ideas and experiences about learning innovation.