Learning innovation
Talking about learning innovation means referring to a specific didactic context in continuous evolution. The goal is not only to improve learning outcomes, but also to improve the teaching experience as an opportunity of the development of transversal skills.
The “Pedagogy-Space-Technology” Framework (Radcliffe, 2009) is the tool used as a starting point for the design of innovative teaching-learning experiences.
In this context, in order to make teaching innovation processes effective, it is necessary that three pillars intersect with one another:
- new pedagogical approaches reinforce technologies;
- technologies support pedagogical approaches and extend spaces;
- space integrates technologies, making possible and supporting new pedagogical approaches.

teacher-designer of learning experiences
The teacher-designer is responsible for the planning and management of a learning experience that supports the achievement of the Intended Learning Outcomes. The teacher-designer has at his disposal conceptual and practical tools that can support him in the conscious observation of his teaching and in his design in new evolutionary directions.

for new learning strategies
The development of effective innovative teaching strategies requires digital infrastructures and spaces for learning that support the development of the “active classroom” with small, medium-sized and large classes.
as innovation catalyst
Digital technologies make possible the creation of a new relationship with contents and change their role in the learning experience by becoming drivers of new teaching approaches.

Designing Learning Innovation

Designing Learning Innovation
Where to begin to innovate your teaching? But, first of all, what does it mean to do innovation in the classroom?
Designing Learning Innovation aims at supporting those who do not have a specific pedagogical background and wish to appropriate the basic tools of good teaching design and then continue exploring the frontiers of innovation.
A set of logical and methodological tools to innovate teaching, finding approaches more in harmony with one’s vision of the teaching-learning experience.
Publisher: Pearson
Authors: Susanna Sancassani with Federica Brambilla, Daniela Casiraghi, Paolo Marenghi
Designing Learning Innovation
Designing Learning Innovation
Where to begin to innovate your teaching? But, first of all, what does it mean to do innovation in the classroom?
The MOOC “Designing Learning Innovation“ aims at integrating the book with an online learning environment. You can find in the MOOC videos that summarize the main contents of the book, infographics, downloadable forms, activities, discussions and moments of synchronous and asynchronous exchange with the other participants .
If you actively participate in this course, you will be able to:
- use basic theoretical-methodological tools (such as Constructive Alignment and Learning Innovation Network) to enhance the educational coherence between learning objectives, assessment methods and learning experience in teachings;
- apply some pedagogical models of “active learning” to the design of single teaching modules or to an entire course;
- evaluate advantages and disadvantages, in the context of your courses, of the traditional evaluation approaches following new strategies of evaluation, in particular those oriented to the formative one;
- apply simple strategies for managing the “active classroom” in small, medium and large classrooms;
- design and implement high-quality teaching materials also enhancing the availability of “Open Educational Resources”.